Conestoga College
Image of: Related Course
Project Details
Teaching AssistantRelated Industry:
EducationActive Years:
2016Main Technology Used:
ASP.Net CoreMain Communication Program:
EmailProject: Conestoga College
I was offered the Teachers Assistant position for the Programming: Microsoft Web Technologies course after I achieved the highest grades ever for that course. The course content was centered around the newly-released ASP.NET Core, which, at the time, had more than its fair share of bugs. Combining those issues with the college computers and the incorrectly installed version of Visual Studio, it became a minefield of bugs to avoid. Given my understanding of Core and my experience convincing it to work on the school computers, my job was to mark all the students projects. There were 25 students in the class, each having to complete 6 assignments, and 1 midterm. This gave me a very interesting and unique opportunity to see how other people approached the exact same task, with varying degrees of success. In my marking, I would always explain why a mark was lost and what they should have done. This has become a very useful skill when working in teams, as its given me lots of practise with “careful” wording regarding mistakes.