ad altiora tendo
My skills,
your projects.
Below are my four main areas of expertise. I'm confident I can handle just about anything thrown at me from these categories and their related technologies. If you have a project you'd like completed but don't see it's category listed, feel free to message me about it anyway. Chances are I can do it or can get you in contact with someone who can.
Web Development
Front End development if my favourite end. Anything written in Javascript is my buttered bread.
Proof of Concepts
A proof of concept built to be built upon. Take it to the investment pitch, hand it off to a developer.
Mobile Applications
Lightweight, intelligent, clean appearance. But enough about me, the apps are fine too.
Geospatial Manipulation
A hobby-turned-profession. Give me any geospatial data and I'm sure I can find my way around it.
Some stats
about moi
What makes a Pat a Pat? Lets find out!
Development is a passion of mine, and as such I enjoy keeping up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends. Currently, the thing I'm looking into is AI-assisted services as well as the Metaverse.
A lot of my work is done remote, so I'm quite comfortable working without constant contact or massive amounts of direction, as well as giving timely updates of my progress. When I'm in the office, I keep it serious enough to get the job done, but not so serious that you'll try to avoid my desk. I have yet to be part of a team where I didn't fit in.
If you're one of those fancy folk who want to know more about a person other than just their marketable skills, congratulations. Other than programming, I have recently come to enjoy woodworking as well as general handyman-ing. Recent projects include replacing a missing section of a floor, some emergency pluming repairs, and refitting a few doors.
Last updated: 2019-10-09
tail -5 resume.txt
Most Recent Projects
Below are the five most recent project that I've worked on. A lot of the projects I work on are of a confidential nature, some due to their fancy trade secrets and some being locked behind client-only logins. Trust me though, they're pretty cool.

KWKLY Technologies
Technical Co-Founder, CTO
Since 2021The purpose of KWKLY is perfectly simple; drinks, snacks, and essential groceries delivered super quick. Having gained a sliver or so of notoriety from DLVR-e, we were contacted to create the KWKLY app. [...more]
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DLVR-e Services
Lead Developer
Since 2020DLVR-e was created, as many startups are, to solve a problem. Mall employees don't have much time for their breaks, so why should that time be spent waiting in line? [...more]
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Dragonfire Entertainment
Web Developer
2018 - 2019Dragonfire Entertainment is a Canadian video game studio, currently working on Trials of Ascension (ToA). I was asked to take a look at the website they were using to promote ToA and give my thoughts on how best to update it and add more content. [...more]
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Web Developer
2018 - 2019Zaytion’s mission is to create the digital assembly line for securitizations. To achieve this, they use best-in-class technologies, which is an absolute pleasure to work with. I joined Zaytion when they had a prototype for a single one of their products. [...more]
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Sober Steering / BusVector
Web Developer
2015 - 2019Sober Steering is developing a biosensor system that is embedded into the steering wheel of a vehicle and detects if the driver is intoxicated. The primary target market for this product is in school buses, as it would have the most positive effect. BusVector is a complete online dashboard [...more]
Details +Personal Projects
Some of my favourite personal projects. Many were made to simplify a task I found myself doing over and over again, and some were made just for fun.